Baby Born July 11th at 7:11 Weighing 7-Pounds, 11-Ounces, Gets College Fund

When 7-Eleven celebrated its birthday on July 11th, aka 7-Eleven Day, most of us were just in it for the free Slurpees they gave away. But the convenience store chain found out a baby girl was born in St. Louis on their special day, 7/11 at 7:11 p.m., weighing seven pounds and 11 ounces and now they’re looking out for littleJ'Aime Brown’sfuture.

"After catching wind of the incredible news, 7-Eleven decided to pledge $7,111 to the newborn’s college fund to honor her entry to the world," 7-Eleven explains. Along with the donation for higher education, they’re also giving the family stuff she needs now, including diapers, 7-Eleven onesies, and “other newborn goodies.”

Source:USA Today

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